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Loom movement and health coaching offers holistic mind and body healing programs.  I combine my vast knowledge of health and wellness with the brilliance of Pilates, rolling, stillness and breath to help you make lasting, positive changes.

 I am an Internationally Certified Pilates instructor, fascial body expert and IIN Integrated Nutrition Coach. 

Health coaching provides you with guidance to change old, unwanted habits and welcome new and better ones. Movement coaching provides awareness of restrictions and imbalances in order to open and free the body  to move with ease.  This approach honors the  bodymind interplay and treats the whole person.

Start with a free Health History….Lynn at Loom









 LOOM's founder, Lynn Matthews-Reifsteck is a Nationally Certified Pilates, Yamuna , TRX Instructor and Unique-Self Coach. IIN Integrative Nutrition Coach. A degree in Psychology, and a Masters of Education created the foundations of her formal education as well as perpetually exploring with a multitude of enlightened souls worldwide.

The Loom Method is the harvest of my rigorous pursuit to build a resilient and adaptable bodymind for sustainable movement life.  It is clear the body stores everything and the body and mind are co-creators of your life. Patterns in the body create the thoughts and vice versa as evidenced through the vagus nerve and Stephen Porges, Polyvagal theory. Hence,  I work through the body to bring awareness and disrupt the perpetuity of this system and allow the “let go”. When we create space in the bodymind we have opportunity and room for new, more balanced patterns. I believe the ease in our bodymind is our birthright and reconnecting to it brings a renewed sense of aliveness we didn’t know was possible.The Loom Method focuses on the fascial body to take the “work” out of workout. I will help you enjoy the fruits of your bodies’ regenerative qualities through movement, breath and stillness.

Let's PLAY!

Lynn resides in Nicaragua and Sun Valley, ID.

Learn the art of being to become
— Lynn Matthews

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