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Put the spring back in your step!

‘Slings” refers to the fascial slings or tracks of connectivity in our bodies . Slings training aims to optimize the fascial qualities of elasticity, plasticity and viscosity (bounce, stretch and resilience).

When we awaken the biomechanics of everyday movements we restore ease and grace.

Slings classes are fun, rhythmic and dynamic movement classes. We move to restore elasticity and your ability to rebound, recoil, respond bio-dynamically. The classes begin with foundational work and continue with more advanced movements to be sure the sticky parts get unstuck!

Slings classes and courses are soon to be online, in addition to being part of our contemporary Pilates/Ball work we do in in studio and virtually.



A fascial quality that puts the “bounce” in your step.  By emulating the store and release response of tissue in a movement series, we retrain fascial response creating more ease in your body and less energy expended.


The stretch component of a Loom movement series. Using myofascial meridian principles and knowledge of quality of fascia we reform fascia to create space for mobile, adaptable, pain free bodies.


It is the ability for fascia to protect bones by training the “hardening” quality as we bounce, catch and respond.  We remodel the body slowly, safely  and intentionally.


 We offer FOUNDATIONAL classes for everyone,  where we work to understand the basic movements and body focus. This not only helps us work with intention, but to learn to sense our bodies along the way.  

MASTER classes are for those and who have mastered the “access” to the movements and ready to put it all together at a faster pace. Don’t rush to the finish line here - the foundations are essential.

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