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These are a lot of big words but I aim to simplify the complex-get to know yourself in and out. The study of fascia asserts we can reshape and regenerate our structure, learn to be fully present in our body and as a result move with more dexterity and age vibrantly. Joseph Pilates' original exercises help us develop our kinesthetic intelligence (KQ) enhance proprioception while LOOM Pilates’ integrates these discoveries to heighten awareness (somatic intelligence) of your inner world.

I aim to make things as “simple as possible, but no simpler”




The method begins with an 5 or 10 week ( 2 or 1 session per week) introduction to fascial lines. This holistic approach will stretch, sense, strengthen you while gaining important insights. Each week we introduce an essential track in the body-superficial front/ back lines, deep front line, lateral and spiral lines.


Understanding and sensing the different tracks in the body will give you a qualitative understanding of the body from a fascial perspective. These insights will uncover the holds, tension and disruptions-often not at the point of pain. We’ll work to clear the tension, and practice moving more freely to re-distribute force load appropriately.


Next we work together to address specific goals over a specific period creating measurable outcomes. I take this strategic approach with much care and knowledge. Every step of the way we track progress and gain insights.

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